The Heritage Network

The Heritage Network

Fort Colvile Bicentennial

Posts filed under Events


There are a lot of events happening this summer that provide a chance for folks to learn in person and by doing things together: 1: The Upper Columbia United Tribes is sponsoring an exhibit at the Spokane Museum of Art and Culture: AWAKENINGS: TRADITIONAL CANOES AND CALLING THE SALMON HOME SEPT 25, 2021-AUG 21, 2022… (read more)

Friends of Spokane House

There a lot of ways to think about history and as it turns out to “do” history.  The Friends of Spokane House ( recently encamped near the Kettle Falls Historical Center ( where they demonstrated tools, skills, sign language, clothes and artifacts of the fur trade era, specifically from 1810 to 1820.  The dates are… (read more)